05/17/24 8:30 AM
05/17/24 3:00 PM
Boosting Achievement in Northern Michigan
<strong>Boosting Achievement In Northern Michigan</strong><br>
Dr. Carol Salva is a master teacher who achieved success with students with limited or interrupted formal education (SLIFE) in middle and high school. This training demonstrates user-friendly techniques that capitalize on the gifts of your diverse classroom by using current research and practical ideas for supporting new arrival students. We will discover ways to maximize the impact for SLIFE and other English Language Learners while learning to empower these students to work at grade-level in content classes. Attention will be given to schools with a low incidence of English Language Learners as well as migrant students.<br>
Michigan Works Conference Center 1209 S. Garfield Avenue #C, Traverse City, Michigan 49686
Boosting Achievement in Northern Michigan
Fri, May 17, 2024, 8:30 AM — 3:00 PM EDT
Michigan Works Conference Center
1209 S. Garfield Avenue #C
Traverse City, Michigan 49686
Traverse City, Michigan 49686
Dr. Carol Salva is a master teacher who achieved success with students with limited or interrupted formal education (SLIFE) in middle and high school. This training demonstrates user-friendly techniques that capitalize on the gifts of your diverse classroom by using current research and practical ideas for supporting new arrival students. We will discover ways to maximize the impact for SLIFE and other English Language Learners while learning to empower these students to work at grade-level in content classes. Attention will be given to schools with a low incidence of English Language Learners as well as migrant students.