05/10/24 7:00 AM 05/10/24 8:30 AM America/New_York Check-In View session: https://mabemi.connect.space/accounts/events/mabe-2024-empower-your-voice/agenda/2024-05-10#session_row_26896 <br/> Laurel Manor Lobby Empower Your Voice jenna.webb@mabemi.net MM/DD/YYYY
7:00 - 8:30 AM Laurel Manor Lobby
05/10/24 7:00 AM 05/10/24 8:30 AM America/New_York Breakfast View session: https://mabemi.connect.space/accounts/events/mabe-2024-empower-your-voice/agenda/2024-05-10#session_row_26899 <br/> Join us in Exhibitor Hall, located in the Willow Room at Laurel Manor, for coffee and continental breakfast items.<br> <br> Exhibitor Hall - Willow Empower Your Voice jenna.webb@mabemi.net MM/DD/YYYY
7:00 - 8:30 AM Exhibitor Hall - Willow
Join us in Exhibitor Hall, located in the Willow Room at Laurel Manor, for coffee and continental breakfast items.

05/10/24 7:00 AM 05/10/24 1:00 PM America/New_York Exhibit Hall View session: https://mabemi.connect.space/accounts/events/mabe-2024-empower-your-voice/agenda/2024-05-10#session_row_26892 <br/> Please take time to visit our amazing vendors! You can view a map <a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p3DJWlR5pKxUcSWl7PSle43AoIAYcGYs/view?usp=drive_link" target="_blank">here</a>. Throughout the day there will be coffee and refreshments available.<br> <br> Willow Empower Your Voice jenna.webb@mabemi.net MM/DD/YYYY
7:00 AM - 1:00 PM Willow
Exhibit Hall
Please take time to visit our amazing vendors! You can view a map here. Throughout the day there will be coffee and refreshments available.

05/10/24 8:30 AM 05/10/24 9:00 AM America/New_York Welcome Address and Unsung Educator Awards View session: https://mabemi.connect.space/accounts/events/mabe-2024-empower-your-voice/agenda/2024-05-10#session_row_26537 <br/> Manor Ballroom Empower Your Voice jenna.webb@mabemi.net MM/DD/YYYY
8:30 - 9:00 AM Manor Ballroom
Welcome Address and Unsung Educator Awards
05/10/24 9:00 AM 05/10/24 9:45 AM America/New_York Keynote Address - Cultivating Voice in Our Students & Ourselves View session: https://mabemi.connect.space/accounts/events/mabe-2024-empower-your-voice/agenda/2024-05-10#session_row_26538 <br/> Voice involves more than speaking and writing. Empowering voice – in our students and ourselves – requires we nourish the tender roots of courage and connection. Join us to experience and reflect the nuances of cultivating voice. Learn practical ways to honor and amplify ML voices in daily lessons, and to strengthen our voices in courageous work of collaborating for ML excellence in every classroom, every day. <br> Manor Ballroom Empower Your Voice jenna.webb@mabemi.net MM/DD/YYYY
9:00 - 9:45 AM Manor Ballroom
Keynote Address - Cultivating Voice in Our Students & Ourselves
Voice involves more than speaking and writing. Empowering voice – in our students and ourselves – requires we nourish the tender roots of courage and connection. Join us to experience and reflect the nuances of cultivating voice. Learn practical ways to honor and amplify ML voices in daily lessons, and to strengthen our voices in courageous work of collaborating for ML excellence in every classroom, every day.
05/10/24 9:45 AM 05/10/24 10:00 AM America/New_York Break View session: https://mabemi.connect.space/accounts/events/mabe-2024-empower-your-voice/agenda/2024-05-10#session_row_26901 <br/> Empower Your Voice jenna.webb@mabemi.net MM/DD/YYYY
9:45 - 10:00 AM
05/10/24 10:00 AM 05/10/24 10:55 AM America/New_York Strategies for Success: Our Multilingual Learners Deserve It View session: https://mabemi.connect.space/accounts/events/mabe-2024-empower-your-voice/agenda/2024-05-10#session_row_26542 <br/> As the number of multilingual learners continues to grow, teachers must develop the capacity to teach language through content so students can build language proficiency and gain the necessary academic knowledge. But trying to differentiate activities to meet the varying cultural, linguistic, and academic needs of students can be overwhelming. Join us to learn a few classroom activities that can be easily incorporated into existing lessons and make language and content accessible to every lea... Mezzanine Ballroom (Upstairs) Empower Your Voice jenna.webb@mabemi.net MM/DD/YYYY
10:00 - 10:55 AM Mezzanine Ballroom (Upstairs)
Strategies for Success: Our Multilingual Learners Deserve It
As the number of multilingual learners continues to grow, teachers must develop the capacity to teach language through content so students can build language proficiency and gain the necessary academic knowledge. But trying to differentiate activities to meet the varying cultural, linguistic, and academic needs of students can be overwhelming. Join us to learn a few classroom activities that can be easily incorporated into existing lessons and make language and content accessible to every learner.
05/10/24 10:00 AM 05/10/24 10:55 AM America/New_York Tasks to get elementary MLs engaged and talking View session: https://mabemi.connect.space/accounts/events/mabe-2024-empower-your-voice/agenda/2024-05-10#session_row_26541 <br/> In this session, we will introduce Task-Based Language Teaching as an approach to promote language development for multilingual learners and show multiple examples of tasks that were designed for elementary students to practice both content concepts and academic language. The tasks that will be showcased will include a variety of content areas and grade levels, from Kindergarten to fifth grade. The attendees will analyze the tasks and discuss how they can implement tasks in their teaching. Walnut Empower Your Voice jenna.webb@mabemi.net MM/DD/YYYY
10:00 - 10:55 AM Walnut
Tasks to get elementary MLs engaged and talking
In this session, we will introduce Task-Based Language Teaching as an approach to promote language development for multilingual learners and show multiple examples of tasks that were designed for elementary students to practice both content concepts and academic language. The tasks that will be showcased will include a variety of content areas and grade levels, from Kindergarten to fifth grade. The attendees will analyze the tasks and discuss how they can implement tasks in their teaching.
05/10/24 10:00 AM 05/10/24 10:55 AM America/New_York Experiencing More: A Personal Journey to an Equitable ELD Program View session: https://mabemi.connect.space/accounts/events/mabe-2024-empower-your-voice/agenda/2024-05-10#session_row_26540 <br/> Are you wondering about what inclusive co-teaching could look like for ELs at the elementary level? Join us for an overview of our journey at West Ottawa Public Schools (WOPS) in implementing an integrated ELD model of support! We will highlight the research and framework used at WOPS that allowed us to begin co-teaching at the elementary level. We will share our daily schedules, personal experiences of success and challenge, through the lens of EL professionals and classroom teachers. Come ... Oak Empower Your Voice jenna.webb@mabemi.net MM/DD/YYYY
10:00 - 10:55 AM Oak
Experiencing More: A Personal Journey to an Equitable ELD Program
Are you wondering about what inclusive co-teaching could look like for ELs at the elementary level? Join us for an overview of our journey at West Ottawa Public Schools (WOPS) in implementing an integrated ELD model of support! We will highlight the research and framework used at WOPS that allowed us to begin co-teaching at the elementary level. We will share our daily schedules, personal experiences of success and challenge, through the lens of EL professionals and classroom teachers. Come to reflect on what steps you might take to continue, or begin, to provide more equitable support for your EL learners!
05/10/24 10:00 AM 05/10/24 10:55 AM America/New_York Inspiring ML Writers: Cultivating Voice, Risk-Taking and Joy View session: https://mabemi.connect.space/accounts/events/mabe-2024-empower-your-voice/agenda/2024-05-10#session_row_26539 <br/> Every student has a story to tell. How do we cultivate courageous risk-taking on the page? How do we build Multilingual Learners' confidence in expressing their ideas? Join us to celebrate the power and fun of shifting how we frame writing for our students and ourselves. Learn practices to free our writing voices, and to teach writing in ways that cultivate authentic expression, build community, and foster a love of language. Laurel Empower Your Voice jenna.webb@mabemi.net MM/DD/YYYY
10:00 - 10:55 AM Laurel
Inspiring ML Writers: Cultivating Voice, Risk-Taking and Joy
Every student has a story to tell. How do we cultivate courageous risk-taking on the page? How do we build Multilingual Learners' confidence in expressing their ideas? Join us to celebrate the power and fun of shifting how we frame writing for our students and ourselves. Learn practices to free our writing voices, and to teach writing in ways that cultivate authentic expression, build community, and foster a love of language.
05/10/24 10:00 AM 05/10/24 12:00 PM America/New_York More Than a Worksheet: Creating Interactive Activities for English Learners View session: https://mabemi.connect.space/accounts/events/mabe-2024-empower-your-voice/agenda/2024-05-10#session_row_26544 <br/> ***Please bring a device to this session***&nbsp;In this session, participants will learn innovative ways to make worksheets interactive and engage English Learners beyond your typical handout. Teachers can add in SIOP strategies, WIDA Can-Do Descriptors and empower students to create, reflect, share, and collaborate. ELLs can accelerate communication skills by “showing what they know” using photos, videos, voice recordings, drawings, text, PDFs, and links while engaging in the four domains; ... Aspen Empower Your Voice jenna.webb@mabemi.net MM/DD/YYYY
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Aspen
More Than a Worksheet: Creating Interactive Activities for English Learners
***Please bring a device to this session*** In this session, participants will learn innovative ways to make worksheets interactive and engage English Learners beyond your typical handout. Teachers can add in SIOP strategies, WIDA Can-Do Descriptors and empower students to create, reflect, share, and collaborate. ELLs can accelerate communication skills by “showing what they know” using photos, videos, voice recordings, drawings, text, PDFs, and links while engaging in the four domains; reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Make your ordinary worksheet extraordinary by cutting it up, incorporating movement, adding in manipulatives, visuals, and audio support all in a virtual world.

Session Padlet

05/10/24 10:00 AM 05/10/24 12:00 PM America/New_York Strategic Thinking with SIOP View session: https://mabemi.connect.space/accounts/events/mabe-2024-empower-your-voice/agenda/2024-05-10#session_row_26543 <br/> Strategies. While used commonly in education to describe a variety of ideas, techniques, and activities, the SIOP Component of Strategies focuses on “the conscious flexible tools learners use to make sense of what they are learning.” This is the powerful thinking that can unlock learning for so many of our students in the classroom! In this session, we will focus on how to make our thinking visible to students, and how to implement the Gradual Increase of Student Independence (GISI Model) wit... Maple Empower Your Voice jenna.webb@mabemi.net MM/DD/YYYY
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Maple
Strategic Thinking with SIOP
Strategies. While used commonly in education to describe a variety of ideas, techniques, and activities, the SIOP Component of Strategies focuses on “the conscious flexible tools learners use to make sense of what they are learning.” This is the powerful thinking that can unlock learning for so many of our students in the classroom! In this session, we will focus on how to make our thinking visible to students, and how to implement the Gradual Increase of Student Independence (GISI Model) with the key language uses of the WIDA Framework.
05/10/24 10:55 AM 05/10/24 11:10 AM America/New_York Break View session: https://mabemi.connect.space/accounts/events/mabe-2024-empower-your-voice/agenda/2024-05-10#session_row_26900 <br/> Empower Your Voice jenna.webb@mabemi.net MM/DD/YYYY
10:55 - 11:10 AM
05/10/24 11:10 AM 05/10/24 12:05 PM America/New_York Teaching Newcomers to Read Using Foundational Skills View session: https://mabemi.connect.space/accounts/events/mabe-2024-empower-your-voice/agenda/2024-05-10#session_row_26546 <br/> Foundational Skills identify critical components in teaching literacy. Using these skills to teach Newcomer Emergent Bilingual (EB) students provides strategies that optimize their progress toward reading fluency in English. It should not be assumed that older EB students have the capacity to become proficient readers and writers of English without explicit instruction any more than we would with younger students, particularly with Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE)... Oak Empower Your Voice jenna.webb@mabemi.net MM/DD/YYYY
11:10 AM - 12:05 PM Oak
Teaching Newcomers to Read Using Foundational Skills
Foundational Skills identify critical components in teaching literacy. Using these skills to teach Newcomer Emergent Bilingual (EB) students provides strategies that optimize their progress toward reading fluency in English. It should not be assumed that older EB students have the capacity to become proficient readers and writers of English without explicit instruction any more than we would with younger students, particularly with Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE). While English language development specialists often the instructors in this area, content area teachers also benefit from a strong understanding of the foundational skills and using these strategies. Attention will also be given to strategies that connect Spanish language skills to English.

QR Codes
PDF Slides
05/10/24 11:10 AM 05/10/24 12:05 PM America/New_York Using SIOP Components in Trauma Informed Classrooms View session: https://mabemi.connect.space/accounts/events/mabe-2024-empower-your-voice/agenda/2024-05-10#session_row_26545 <br/> As we have done more research related to Social Emotional Learning and Trauma informed classrooms, thinking about the right instructional strategies to support an environment where student can thrive in a low anxiety community is critical. As language teachers considering the whole child as nurture a learning process is vital. This presentation will support teachers in creating a classroom conducive to a trauma informed space where they can apply the 8 components of the sheltered instruction ... Laurel Empower Your Voice jenna.webb@mabemi.net MM/DD/YYYY
11:10 AM - 12:05 PM Laurel
Using SIOP Components in Trauma Informed Classrooms
As we have done more research related to Social Emotional Learning and Trauma informed classrooms, thinking about the right instructional strategies to support an environment where student can thrive in a low anxiety community is critical. As language teachers considering the whole child as nurture a learning process is vital. This presentation will support teachers in creating a classroom conducive to a trauma informed space where they can apply the 8 components of the sheltered instruction observation protocol.

05/10/24 11:10 AM 05/10/24 12:05 PM America/New_York Special Education Evaluation Process for Multilingual Learners View session: https://mabemi.connect.space/accounts/events/mabe-2024-empower-your-voice/agenda/2024-05-10#session_row_26547 <br/> This session will begin with an overview of policy surrounding the process to evaluate a multilingual learner for special education services. Then review the steps before considering a multilingual learner for a special education evaluation. The steps during the evaluation process, and the steps after the school based evaluation team determines if the multilingual learner is or is not eligible for special education service. Walnut Empower Your Voice jenna.webb@mabemi.net MM/DD/YYYY
11:10 AM - 12:05 PM Walnut
Special Education Evaluation Process for Multilingual Learners
This session will begin with an overview of policy surrounding the process to evaluate a multilingual learner for special education services. Then review the steps before considering a multilingual learner for a special education evaluation. The steps during the evaluation process, and the steps after the school based evaluation team determines if the multilingual learner is or is not eligible for special education service.
05/10/24 11:10 AM 05/10/24 12:05 PM America/New_York Harnessing the Power of Collaboration to Impact Change for Multilingual Learners View session: https://mabemi.connect.space/accounts/events/mabe-2024-empower-your-voice/agenda/2024-05-10#session_row_26548 <br/> What happens when the collective power of leaders and educators is harnessed to impact change for multilingual learners? Collaboration grows. Relationships blossom. Students excel. Join this panel discussion to learn about our journey to grow the capacity of classroom teachers and ELD educators as they implemented co-planning, co-teaching, co-reflecting and co-assessing across a large suburban county.<br> <br> <a href="https://padlet.com/christy_osborne1/mabe-2024-harnessing-the-power-of-co... Mezzanine Ballroom (Upstairs) Empower Your Voice jenna.webb@mabemi.net MM/DD/YYYY
11:10 AM - 12:05 PM Mezzanine Ballroom (Upstairs)
Harnessing the Power of Collaboration to Impact Change for Multilingual Learners
What happens when the collective power of leaders and educators is harnessed to impact change for multilingual learners? Collaboration grows. Relationships blossom. Students excel. Join this panel discussion to learn about our journey to grow the capacity of classroom teachers and ELD educators as they implemented co-planning, co-teaching, co-reflecting and co-assessing across a large suburban county.

Session Padlet
05/10/24 12:00 PM 05/10/24 1:15 PM America/New_York Lunch View session: https://mabemi.connect.space/accounts/events/mabe-2024-empower-your-voice/agenda/2024-05-10#session_row_26549 <br/> Empower Your Voice jenna.webb@mabemi.net MM/DD/YYYY
12:00 - 1:15 PM
05/10/24 12:30 PM 05/10/24 1:15 PM America/New_York Poster Presentations View session: https://mabemi.connect.space/accounts/events/mabe-2024-empower-your-voice/agenda/2024-05-10#session_row_26903 <br/> Posters will be available for viewing throughout the day. Join the presenters in the lobby as they present aspects of their posters.<br> <br> Laurel Manor Lobby Empower Your Voice jenna.webb@mabemi.net MM/DD/YYYY
12:30 - 1:15 PM Laurel Manor Lobby
Poster Presentations
Posters will be available for viewing throughout the day. Join the presenters in the lobby as they present aspects of their posters.

05/10/24 1:15 PM 05/10/24 2:10 PM America/New_York Unlocking Potential: Capacity-Building for School Districts with Multilingual Learners View session: https://mabemi.connect.space/accounts/events/mabe-2024-empower-your-voice/agenda/2024-05-10#session_row_26550 <br/> In this session, we will dive into the fundamental principles of capacity-building, providing practical insights into how to foster collaboration, implement tailored instructional practices, and leverage resources to support the unique needs of multilingual learners. The discussion will revolve around inclusive policies and innovative professional development models that can empower educators and administrators. From creating welcoming environments to implementing data-driven decision-making,... Laurel Empower Your Voice jenna.webb@mabemi.net MM/DD/YYYY
1:15 - 2:10 PM Laurel
Unlocking Potential: Capacity-Building for School Districts with Multilingual Learners
In this session, we will dive into the fundamental principles of capacity-building, providing practical insights into how to foster collaboration, implement tailored instructional practices, and leverage resources to support the unique needs of multilingual learners. The discussion will revolve around inclusive policies and innovative professional development models that can empower educators and administrators. From creating welcoming environments to implementing data-driven decision-making, this session aims to unleash the untapped potential within school districts, ensuring that all students have equitable educational experiences. Don't miss this interactive and enriching session where we can collectively envision and strategize to unlock the full potential of every multilingual learner in our school districts.
05/10/24 1:15 PM 05/10/24 2:10 PM America/New_York Teaching Writing with Mentor Texts: Building Joyful Writers and Supporting Multilingual Learners View session: https://mabemi.connect.space/accounts/events/mabe-2024-empower-your-voice/agenda/2024-05-10#session_row_26553 <br/> This presentation will delve into the integration of mentor texts to support writing instruction and create a supportive and joyful writing environment that fosters language development, cultural relevance, and creativity within the general education setting, specifically focusing on how mentor texts support Multilingual Learners. <br> <br> Key aspects of the presentation include (1) Understanding Mentor Texts, (2) Fostering Joyful Writers, (3) Supporting Multilingual Learners, (4) Successf... Mezzanine Ballroom (Upstairs) Empower Your Voice jenna.webb@mabemi.net MM/DD/YYYY
1:15 - 2:10 PM Mezzanine Ballroom (Upstairs)
Teaching Writing with Mentor Texts: Building Joyful Writers and Supporting Multilingual Learners
This presentation will delve into the integration of mentor texts to support writing instruction and create a supportive and joyful writing environment that fosters language development, cultural relevance, and creativity within the general education setting, specifically focusing on how mentor texts support Multilingual Learners.

Key aspects of the presentation include (1) Understanding Mentor Texts, (2) Fostering Joyful Writers, (3) Supporting Multilingual Learners, (4) Successful Integration into General Education ELA Classrooms during Writing instruction.
05/10/24 1:15 PM 05/10/24 2:10 PM America/New_York Simple and Practical Scaffolds/Strategies for Multilingual Students View session: https://mabemi.connect.space/accounts/events/mabe-2024-empower-your-voice/agenda/2024-05-10#session_row_26551 <br/> In this pd popup you will learn practical and simple scaffolds/strategies you can implement right away into the general education classroom. The scaffolds/strategies can be used across content areas and differentiated to all grade levels. Participants will leave with helpful tools and examples of each strategy. Oak Empower Your Voice jenna.webb@mabemi.net MM/DD/YYYY
1:15 - 2:10 PM Oak
Simple and Practical Scaffolds/Strategies for Multilingual Students
In this pd popup you will learn practical and simple scaffolds/strategies you can implement right away into the general education classroom. The scaffolds/strategies can be used across content areas and differentiated to all grade levels. Participants will leave with helpful tools and examples of each strategy.
05/10/24 1:15 PM 05/10/24 2:10 PM America/New_York My Journey with AI…so far… View session: https://mabemi.connect.space/accounts/events/mabe-2024-empower-your-voice/agenda/2024-05-10#session_row_26552 <br/> It seems that AI has hit us like a storm, and I think it is only the beginning! During this session, I will share my journey to learn about AI and how it can impact the way we teach and learn! We will start with the basics: What is AI? Then we will move on to see what tools are available to help us on our quest to be educators in this fast paced world! Walnut Empower Your Voice jenna.webb@mabemi.net MM/DD/YYYY
1:15 - 2:10 PM Walnut
My Journey with AI…so far…
It seems that AI has hit us like a storm, and I think it is only the beginning! During this session, I will share my journey to learn about AI and how it can impact the way we teach and learn! We will start with the basics: What is AI? Then we will move on to see what tools are available to help us on our quest to be educators in this fast paced world!
05/10/24 1:15 PM 05/10/24 3:15 PM America/New_York Navigating Differences: Strategies for Dual Identification in English Learners View session: https://mabemi.connect.space/accounts/events/mabe-2024-empower-your-voice/agenda/2024-05-10#session_row_26554 <br/> Does your district have a robust process in place for addressing the unique struggles faced by English Learners? In this dynamic workshop we will delve into the intricate challenges surrounding the identification and support of English Learners with learning and behavior difficulties. Join us as we delve into innovative and practical solutions, anchored in real-life case studies, to empower you with the tools needed to support English Learners facing difficulties.<br> <br> <a href="https://... Maple Empower Your Voice jenna.webb@mabemi.net MM/DD/YYYY
1:15 - 3:15 PM Maple
Navigating Differences: Strategies for Dual Identification in English Learners
Does your district have a robust process in place for addressing the unique struggles faced by English Learners? In this dynamic workshop we will delve into the intricate challenges surrounding the identification and support of English Learners with learning and behavior difficulties. Join us as we delve into innovative and practical solutions, anchored in real-life case studies, to empower you with the tools needed to support English Learners facing difficulties.

05/10/24 1:15 PM 05/10/24 3:15 PM America/New_York Harnessing AI: Supporting Educators and Empowering Multilingual Learners in the Classroom View session: https://mabemi.connect.space/accounts/events/mabe-2024-empower-your-voice/agenda/2024-05-10#session_row_26555 <br/> This interactive training provides educators with an opportunity to explore the dynamic role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, such as ChatGPT and other AI tools for creative visuals, in enhancing the educational experience for students who speak multiple languages. In this session, participants will delve into practical strategies and tools that leverage AI to translate and adapt educational content to appropriate reading levels for students and to create an engaging learning environmen... Aspen Empower Your Voice jenna.webb@mabemi.net MM/DD/YYYY
1:15 - 3:15 PM Aspen
Harnessing AI: Supporting Educators and Empowering Multilingual Learners in the Classroom
This interactive training provides educators with an opportunity to explore the dynamic role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, such as ChatGPT and other AI tools for creative visuals, in enhancing the educational experience for students who speak multiple languages. In this session, participants will delve into practical strategies and tools that leverage AI to translate and adapt educational content to appropriate reading levels for students and to create an engaging learning environment. The AI tools highlighted in this session will include applications for both teachers and students. As a takeaway, participants will gain access to easily adaptable generative AI tools and learn how to prompt them to best support EL/multilingual students.

05/10/24 2:10 PM 05/10/24 2:25 PM America/New_York Poster Presentations View session: https://mabemi.connect.space/accounts/events/mabe-2024-empower-your-voice/agenda/2024-05-10#session_row_26904 <br/> Posters will be available for viewing throughout the day. Join the presenters in the lobby as they present aspects of their posters.<br> <br> Laurel Manor Lobby Empower Your Voice jenna.webb@mabemi.net MM/DD/YYYY
2:10 - 2:25 PM Laurel Manor Lobby
Poster Presentations
Posters will be available for viewing throughout the day. Join the presenters in the lobby as they present aspects of their posters.

05/10/24 2:10 PM 05/10/24 2:25 PM America/New_York Break View session: https://mabemi.connect.space/accounts/events/mabe-2024-empower-your-voice/agenda/2024-05-10#session_row_26902 <br/> Empower Your Voice jenna.webb@mabemi.net MM/DD/YYYY
2:10 - 2:25 PM
05/10/24 2:25 PM 05/10/24 3:20 PM America/New_York Strategies to Support Students at Higher Proficiency Levels View session: https://mabemi.connect.space/accounts/events/mabe-2024-empower-your-voice/agenda/2024-05-10#session_row_26556 <br/> Have you heard folks suggesting that we must strip back supports for students at higher proficiency levels? Students at all levels must have intentional supports- and this session unpacks WHY, along with several hands-on strategies to try out and implement in your classroom. Let's empower our students and amplify FUN languaging opportunities in our spaces! Participants will leave with a digital toolbox of resources to use and share with colleagues upon returning to their districts. Laurel Empower Your Voice jenna.webb@mabemi.net MM/DD/YYYY
2:25 - 3:20 PM Laurel
Strategies to Support Students at Higher Proficiency Levels
Have you heard folks suggesting that we must strip back supports for students at higher proficiency levels? Students at all levels must have intentional supports- and this session unpacks WHY, along with several hands-on strategies to try out and implement in your classroom. Let's empower our students and amplify FUN languaging opportunities in our spaces! Participants will leave with a digital toolbox of resources to use and share with colleagues upon returning to their districts.
05/10/24 2:25 PM 05/10/24 3:20 PM America/New_York Invigorating Interaction in the Classroom with the SIOP® Model View session: https://mabemi.connect.space/accounts/events/mabe-2024-empower-your-voice/agenda/2024-05-10#session_row_26559 <br/> In the latest edition of the SIOP® text it states, "We must let students verbalize in order to internalize! It is important for students to synthesize information in their own words in order to learn the material." Come to this session to identify techniques to advance oral language in the classroom and build collaborative structures so all students are successful!<br> Mezzanine Ballroom (Upstairs) Empower Your Voice jenna.webb@mabemi.net MM/DD/YYYY
2:25 - 3:20 PM Mezzanine Ballroom (Upstairs)
Invigorating Interaction in the Classroom with the SIOP® Model
In the latest edition of the SIOP® text it states, "We must let students verbalize in order to internalize! It is important for students to synthesize information in their own words in order to learn the material." Come to this session to identify techniques to advance oral language in the classroom and build collaborative structures so all students are successful!
05/10/24 2:25 PM 05/10/24 3:20 PM America/New_York Unlocking Inclusivity: Strategies for Onboarding and Community Building in Schools with Newcomer Programs View session: https://mabemi.connect.space/accounts/events/mabe-2024-empower-your-voice/agenda/2024-05-10#session_row_26557 <br/> This conference session is dedicated to equipping participants with the essential skills and insights needed to implement effective strategies for fostering inclusive practices within schools hosting newcomer programs. The primary objective is to empower attendees to overcome barriers to engagement and participation for students with diverse backgrounds and needs, while seamlessly onboarding the entire school community into practices designed to cater to individual requirements. Oak Empower Your Voice jenna.webb@mabemi.net MM/DD/YYYY
2:25 - 3:20 PM Oak
Unlocking Inclusivity: Strategies for Onboarding and Community Building in Schools with Newcomer Programs
This conference session is dedicated to equipping participants with the essential skills and insights needed to implement effective strategies for fostering inclusive practices within schools hosting newcomer programs. The primary objective is to empower attendees to overcome barriers to engagement and participation for students with diverse backgrounds and needs, while seamlessly onboarding the entire school community into practices designed to cater to individual requirements.
05/10/24 2:25 PM 05/10/24 3:20 PM America/New_York Understanding Trauma and How it May Impact MLs. Tools and Strategies to Build Strength Resiliency View session: https://mabemi.connect.space/accounts/events/mabe-2024-empower-your-voice/agenda/2024-05-10#session_row_26558 <br/> This interactive presentation will address common factors of trauma during pre-migration, migration and resettlement and learn how it impacts student behavior, language and academic performance in schools. Participants will explore research based strategies that educators can utilize to build resiliency, such as CASEL 5, Therapy through Movement, Music and Art. The audience will engage in hands-on activities to use with students and staff, to address trauma in newcomer youth.<br> <br> <... Walnut Empower Your Voice jenna.webb@mabemi.net MM/DD/YYYY
2:25 - 3:20 PM Walnut
Understanding Trauma and How it May Impact MLs. Tools and Strategies to Build Strength Resiliency
This interactive presentation will address common factors of trauma during pre-migration, migration and resettlement and learn how it impacts student behavior, language and academic performance in schools. Participants will explore research based strategies that educators can utilize to build resiliency, such as CASEL 5, Therapy through Movement, Music and Art. The audience will engage in hands-on activities to use with students and staff, to address trauma in newcomer youth.
